Last week we looked at Saul who was selected by God in response to Israel’s cry for a king. A king was not God’s choice! God retained the services of Samuel, His prophet.
Saul was like a branch on the vine of Israel. He was selected by God with the opportunity to be God’s channel of grace to the people. Samuel gave Saul access to God’s wisdom and God wasready to bless him if he would obey instructions.Saul’s heart was the issue. His desire was to gratify himself using God’s grace.
God gave Saul concrete assurances and evidencethat He, God, was in control and would manage Saul’s circumstances. God created a brand new life for Saul but it required Saul to depend upon God rather than himself.
In many ways we, as persons created new in Christ Jesus, can trace similarities in Saul’s choices. The temporal culture of our soul tempts us to make self-gratifying choices just like Saul.But unlike Saul we have been created new withan unseen water source bubbling up within us that will satisfy thirst. When we become 2Corinthians 5:17 believers, we are joinedtogether with God in Christ.
Our natural anatomy is put to death. It no longer controls us. Our new anatomy is Spirit based. This is quite different than the old culture rooted temporally in things physical. The culture of man operates within the laws of physics and creation. The eternal culture of God’s graceoperates in a realm outside natural boundaries and the limits of creation. We have been lifted out of our set of natural barriers and placedinside a culture foreign to natural experience.
We are literally brand new beings created with a spiritual reality anchored in God’s absoluteeternal values. It is not a figure of speech. The spiritual anatomy of the believer is a quantum shift into dimensions of “Life” outside of both space and time. “Eternal life” is what it is and it begins within each person who is “born again”even while still living in houses of flesh.
God performs a miracle in each person whosubmits to God’s authority and accepts His gift of faith and grace. He births a new spiritualperson! He breathes into them the breath of spiritual life and they are “born again”.
When you stop to think about it, new birth makes logical sense because we actually become a dwelling place for God Himself. In order for our bodies to become an actual dwelling place or “temple” for God something major would have to happen. Can you imagine God living in the un-holy, un-sanctified place you and I hang out in all day long. It is polluted with sin and our every thought is tainted with a bias toward self.
This is what happened in the garden when our dad, Adam, allowed sin to enter into God’s creation. Adam died and so did we all through Adam. Did he fall over on the ground and die? No, he died spiritually. He became spiritually dead and his entire prodigy is born into temporal life dead to God. They are dead to God but also reconciled awaiting a response to God’s grace through faith.
God, who created life in the first place, created anew path through Christ, for believers to enter into His love. His way not only takes care of the problem of sin but provides the believer direct access into the eternal qualities of God Himself.The absolute qualities of God’s righteous virtuesactually become an option of our choice to replace the polluted residue in our soul.
Paul gives clearly the connection God establishes in Romans 8:16, “the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we arechildren of God.” God creates in us the condition where we are joined together spiritually. The center of our being has been changed from temporal to eternal through the joining of our spirit to God’s eternal Spirit.
Jesus Himself speaks to this union by illustrating the relationship He has with the Father is the relationship we have with the Father through Him, “…that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may be perfectly one” (John 17:22-23).In John 14 He put it this way, “In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you”. (John 14:20).
John’s use of the Greek word logos (λογοs) in his 14 verse prologue to his gospel (John 1:1-14) suggesting a continuous unveiling of God through Christ. John is talking about the physical manifestation of God in the flesh full of grace and truth. The “word” of God in us (Christ in us) used in Hebrews 4:12 is also logos indicating its revealing effects by being able to separate soul and spirit, joints and marrow. He is talking about a spiritual sword in the hands of the Spirit joined to our spirit so that we have the spiritual capacity of judgment.
The writer to the Hebrews in one of our Milk to Maturity passages has also identified a spiritual sense given us by his use of the word translated “discernment”. It is a capacity to understand and judge between things spiritual, in a biblical sense, and those things not spiritual. This unique capacity is acquired when we are created new under 2Corinthains 5:17.
Paul uses this same word to the Philippians in Phil. 1:9, “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all ‘discernment.’” Clearly Paul is addressing people with the capacity to judge knowledge in the context of God’s love. This is an intimate relationship gifted to people who are in the context of His love and grace. Our spiritual based grace culture is our eternalessence and identity.
It is through the union of our spirit with His Spirit, we would argue, that the will in our soul can open up our heart and mind to the things of Christ. This would explain how we have access to the “mind of Christ” we find in 1Corinthians 2:16. This also gives us good context for passages referring to the Holy Spirit’s intercession in our behalf. i.e., Romans 8:26, helping us to pray in our weakness.
God’s residence in us as a result of being birthed again is a beginning work that will be continuous while we are alive functioning in thisbody of flesh, Philippians 1:6. It is the continuous revelation of the mysteries of God within us that Paul speaks to in that wonderful passage to the Corinthians where he say, “Forwe who live are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal self”, 2Corinthians 4:7ff. We will talk about the death part of His life in us next week in part 2.
Paul writing to the Colossians puts it this way, “To them (believers) God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” –Colossians 1:27.
The mystery of “Christ in us” is not the unknowable kind of mystery. It is the kind of mystery that is knowable because the connection we have with the Father through the 2Corinthians 5:17 new creation reality. Jesus speaks to it in John 14:20 “… I am in my Father and you in me, and I in you. … and I will love him and manifest my self to him.” Jesus will manifest Himself in those who love Him, how?Through the union of our spirit with His Spirit.
All of this to say, God has equipped us to operate spiritually and dump the old nature which has been put to death and “put on the Lord Jesus Christ,” Romans 13:14. There is no reason for us to act like Saul and make bad choices. In fact, God has make it “normal” in our new birth to make righteous choices sinceHe has created our default self to be in Him.
God has chosen to make known to new saints the mystery of ages which is the resurrected living Jesus abiding within us, “Christ in us”. Imagine, we actually become literal dwelling places of God Himself. Paul tells the Corinthians in three different places that their bodies are the temples of God. Lets see, does that make us holy?
Can you imagine getting on a bus and sitting next to Jesus. And if that weren’t enough, what if Jesus came to sit down next you. What if Jesus wanted to engaged you to work for Him with wages and bonuses you can’t believe!
But it is much more than that. He has a plan to engage us in a holy work. It is not enough we now have His Spirit based absolute eternal values. We are redeemed, purchased back as His prized possession but much more than that!Jesus Christ Himself is knocking on our soul’s door requesting a sit down one-on-one, Revelation 3:20. It is totally new, different and un-natural. He wants us to be intimate friends and grow His fruit! Wow!