
The Vine: Saul’s Preparation

We saw abrupt changes in Saul’s circumstances in our last discussion.  He was about 40 years of age becoming established in his Father’s donkey business when God offered him grace and blessing.  All he had to do was drop what he was doing and become king of God’s people, Israel. Yeah, like that was really going to happen!!  

When we first read this story, it seems Saul was God’s choice for King.  But in the larger context we soon learn this was not true.  God gave his people the man they wanted.   Saul was a man who looked kingly. He was strong, domineering, and taller than anybody else. He was a man who had a way with people.  He would score high on the Gallup polls. Israel chose man over God and they “benefited” from their bad choice for years to come. 

God created a way for the people’s choice to sit on the throne. But God did not give up His sovereignty or His love for His chosen ones. In fact, the story of people on earth is a love story of God for His created people.  God patiently instructs and reveals while constantly searching for people who fear, respect and love Him. Jesus died for all the people who live on planet earth.