GraceNotes is rooted in a Sunday School class taught some twenty years ago at First Baptist church located in Mesa, Arizona. The teacher, Vic Moran, took the class on the road because family circumstances called him to Virginia before the teaching project was finished.
The focus was and is the culture of God’s grace operating in the lives of those created new in Jesus our Savior. It isn’t about fundamentalism, Christianity or being a Christian according to Webster or temporal jargon. Rather, it is Biblical truth revealing the relationship of Love in grace between mankind and God, our living Creator.
Today, GraceNotes continues drilling down in scripture, searching the mysteries of being in Christ because Jesus is in us. When we are created new by new birth, we enter into the Spiritual realm of our living God. This new Spiritual relationship in Christ Jesus presents challenges to our normal human culture. “We are in the world but not of this world.”
GraceNotes addresses daily issues of who we are in Jesus Christ while dwelling in flesh.
We continue probing scripture searching out God’s provisions for our growth in His grace, so that, we can produce His fruit out of our fleshly jar of clay; so that, we share His glory in our earthly living building His Body for His Kingdom.
Someday, we will see Him face to face. May we not be ashamed at His coming!
Vic Moran