2 Peter

In Christ Jesus - Nov 2

There are two scriptural descriptions for the modes in which our life in Christ operates. One is grace and the other is faith. Grace is God’s ministry of love to us and faith is our response to God’s love and grace. It is God’s power, however, providing context for love-grace and faith. 

Last week we looked at discernment-wisdom as our response to God’s provision of love-grace. The same principal of love-grace and faith apply as we switch our focus to righteousness. Love and grace are constant companions for believers in Christ. No one can snatch us out of the Father’s hand (John 10-29). Love and grace are fundamental to our relationship in Christ and the fullness of our faith.  Our faith effects (not affects) knowledge, wisdom, behavior and hope including the smile on our face. 

Grace and faith are context shepherding our focus on righteousness.  Because of God we are in Christ who became our righteousness.  We alluded last week to the relationship between justification and righteousness.