Looking at the above picture, you are struck by the massive trees next to two small persons walking on a narrow trail bridge. If these two people are believers, they have within them something much greater than trees. In the shadow of giant redwoods, dwarfing the two small clay vessels, God created again with resurrection power, life in these two people. This is what is meant to be ‘’born again.’’
Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:24 our new self is created in the likeness or image of God in true righteousness and holiness. The word created here conveys the same meaning used in Genesis when God created man and breathed life into Him. This time, John tells us in John 1, we are born of God Himself. God’s amazing grace purchased us, so once again, we are His possession. The first time we were His by creation but this time we are His because He bought us and we gave our heart and life to Him. This time, we are lifted above terrestrial soil and made citizens in God’s eternal Kingdom. While serving on this clay ball, already sin cursed, these two believers walk in the light of resurrection power.