Sunday Report

The Lamb of God

A few weeks ago we visited heaven through the eyes of John.  The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world was there!  The Lamb’s Book of Life is also there with the names of believers who will be with Christ in heaven.  The curious thing is this Book was written before the people in it were born. In fact, it was written before the foundation of the earth was even in place.

How do we bring together this pre-creation reality with the vision of the Lamb of God we see in Revelation? How does what existed before time extend into a place not yet in history  and how can it have relevance for you and me?  That is the beauty of it all. It IS about us! 

The Bible is very comprehensive. It is not just a collection of religious stories. It is God’s communiqué of reality to creatures He created. God prepared the Bible to reveal His supernatural unseen contemporary plan.  It is a map showing how Jesus Christ is the portal through which we can actually step into the eternity existing before and after our present temporal experience. It sounds mystic but it is, in fact, NOT.

There are a myriad ways of reading the Bible, studying it, preaching it and trying to understand it in meaningful ways. To get there from here requires walking on stepping stones called faith. These faith stones themselves are divinely placed leading us to the portal of Jesus Christ.  It is up to us to choose the steps we follow and it is also up to us to step into eternity through Christ.

Our Shepherd

Last week we explored our origins. We saw how the scripture pilots the prologue of our very life into eternity, existing before creation.  The Lamb’s Book of Life already existed and in it names of people like you and I, people who accept by faith God’s provisions for salvation.

God provided through visual creation, the written record of men like Abraham, and His own Son a revelation of who He is and how we participate in what He is doing.  He has also given us a will to choose our own paths.  Lets take one thin slice of Abraham lemon meringue pie and savor the truth the Holy Spirit may provide about His love so that we can make righteous choices.

Abraham’s name was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life along side of yours and mine.  God used His story to illustrate truth about our lives. Abraham is prominent in the Biblical account of man’s journey on earth.  The story of Abraham and his son Isaac demonstrates how our eternal God reveals eternal plans in lives who have faith in Him.

Lets review the context of Abraham’s story.  Abraham was Abram when he was born in the region of Ur of the Chaldeans. Ur is located in the valley of the Euphrates River toward the Persian Gulf.  Abram’s father Terah took Abram and his cousin Lot toward Canaan by way of Haran.  Haran was a northern city in the Euphrates River Valley.  They stayed in Haran for an extended time and Terah died there. 

My Prologue

Do you realize the entire Bible, all 66 books, is a prologue of your life.  Each person is a consequence of divine creation and the primary object of the biblical story.  It started before the foundation of the world and it is about lambs!  We will get to the lambs later.

It is hard to imagine anything before time.  Yet in John 1:1 we read “In the beginning”, the advent of time, “was the Word and the Word was God”.  In the Greek it reads in the beginning “God was the Word”.

Existing in eternity before the clock of time ticks is paradoxical.  A book existed before time? Names of people like you and me in a book before there was sky, a moon or suns and galaxies? This is the Lamb’s Book of Life, before there were lambs.  Our personal context for life is a reality before creation.  If you are not in Christ it is mystic but, if you are in Christ, it is existential and practical.

Our scriptural perception of God is vital to understanding God correctly.  How we think about God matters because we are objects of His love. He desires us to know Him and make Him the object of our love.

Our Covenant God

Last week we saw God both willing and able to do abundantly above what we think or ask.  This Corinthians passage continues to affirm God’s sufficiency to perform His purpose with an added responsibility. Our God of grace has freely given much but He has also made us competent ministers.  Our grace also carries with it responsibility.

Ministers either graduate from seminary or are assigned by the State Department.  For each of us to be ministers may be a stretch and a scary thought. This takes God’s sufficiency to another level. God’s provision in your life and mine is really where the action is taking place.  Ministering makes effective the grace given to us.  This passage tells us that we are competent to do as well as to be. 

The trick is in both content and faith.  “Our Covenant God” has provisioned us with both.  Content is more than words on a printed page or being able to explain the gospel message.  The content must first have passed through our personal soul with the power of revelation imparting knowledge of God’s living presence.  Holy Spirit’s presence in us imparts both understanding and faith with our participation.

A Doxology!

Tozer is accused of being a mystic by his critics.  He understood A.W. Pink!  The evangelical community focuses on being “in Christ”  but scripture also teaches Christ being “in us”.  There is a harmonic correspondence between the new creation God plants within the believer and the eternal reality which is the Divine Nature of Himself.  Growing spiritually has to do with cultivating the esoteric spiritual union between the believer’s spirit and God through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.  This is His Spirit joined with our spirit, 1 Corinthians 6:17, Romans 8:16. The doxology is the expression of this spiritual union.

Doing a Drill Down exercise on our Ephesian doxology may provide some clarity.  But first we must provide brief context for this scripture which is a prayer for the Ephesian church.  This extraordinary prayer requests knowledge for the dimensions of God’s love and  requests being filled with all of His fullness.  On the surface it appears to be quite impossible for the creature to be filled with all the fullness of the creator … or to have knowledge of God’s love which is obviously beyond the creature’s scope.  Implicitly this doxology speaks to the expectation of this request being realized by the recipients of God’s grace.  Imagine being able to know and understand the love of Christ and being filled with all the fullness of God!  This trail of sanctification leads to glorification.

Lord, give me a Doxology!

I attended 4th Presbyterian Church in Spokane, Washington during my Junior High and High School years.  We sang the doxology every Sunday.

        Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
        Praise him all creatures here below;
        Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts;
        Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! 

I was a young 2 Corinthians 5:17 Christian, naïve and completely unaware of the snares and pitfalls of life.  I rushed through open doors and experienced successes and black belt punishments.  I didn't know I was justified, sanctified or holy but suspected I was called to bear the name of Jesus.  I played ball, ran track and tried to stay out of trouble.

Singing the doxology every Sunday was a comfort but I didn’t know why.  I didn't know theology or the meanings behind the gospel message.  Why  was I being protected, nurtured and gently guided by God?  I don't know,  perhaps the fruit of praying grandmothers.  

Years later, in Menlo Park, CA., I ran into Helen Asazawa. She was passing through the neighborhood the spring of 1964 heading for grad school in Seattle.  I needed someone special … and she was very special and so much more.  

Glory and Dominion - Dominion - Part 2

Glory and Dominion - Dominion - Part 2

Last week we looked at Glory through the lens of 2Corinthinas 3:18. The Person of the Holy Spirit provides grace to grow the eternal attributes we acquire in Christ Jesus our Lord and Redeemer Lamb.

We also glimpsed a peek of the Lion King in the throne room. The Lamb who takes away the sins of the world also is the King Who rules. The combination of Glory and Dominion speaks to an inherent relationship with the Father as both Lamb and King.

The Throne Room - Revelation 5, Worthy is the Lamb.

“To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father,  to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. “ – Revelation 1:5b-6.

In chapter four, we were introduced to the throne room.  As we closed the chapter, the four “living ones” were singing praises to the eternality of almighty God the Father,  an appropriate refrain from the “living ones” in heaven. (Keep in mind these “living ones” are about to inflict judgment on the earth as the first four seals are removed in chapter 6.)  The refrain of the four “living Ones” invokes a song of praise from the 24 elders.  These redeemed representatives of Christ’s Body sing their praise to God as creator of all things and worthy to receive glory, honor and power.  

The Throne Room: Revelation 4, The Church in Heaven

It is Easter Sunday! What better place to be than in the throne room of heaven.  The grandeur and majesty of being where the resurrection life of Jesus Christ is displayed as ruler and owner of earth and all universes!

Here in the throne room is we see divine might and purpose in both love and righteous justice.  We see the lamb slain for the redemption of His body while at the same time the dramatic judgment and condemnation of sin and sinners. The magnificence here is greater than our own salvation. Here is the essence of God Himself.  

Our salvation reaches beyond the power of sin. The blood of Christ is everlasting and so is His redemptive righteousness. Salvation delivers us directly into the presence of almighty God.  The Body of Christ is represented by the 24 elders throned in heaven with the risen Lamb who is about to reign. 

Grace Connections - Faith is the Victory

Pastors should take an oath when they step into the pulpit, the one requiring them to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God!  When we get partial truth we walk away vulnerable not knowing “the rest of the story”. Oh, it was true enough but partial truth is very dangerous and deceptive.   We end up being dragged in the water to our heavenly port while missing out on blessings we never knew we had.   

Being born again in Christ is like being rescued at sea by a huge ship. Our life line is the umbilical cord of Jesus’ blood thrown out to us.  We individually accept the provisions of His life or try to survive on our own.  Within our grasp is a life preserver to pull over our head so we can rest inside its flotation and be safe.  Its a grace  connection providing comfort and relief.  The boat is under power so we can hold on and know we are going to be saved.  

This is the pulpit message often heard and is true enough. We have taken the life line and we are being pulled into port against the pull of the worldly system around us.  Others in the water around us have life preservers and are holding on too!  But there are a few who are actually pulling themselves in closer to the ship fighting the pull of the water as the ship continues to make headway toward the unseen distant port.  

These few are working at getting out of the water and investigating life on board ship. They expend extra energy pulling themselves closer, hand over hand on the wet slippery rope, pulling themselves through the rough sea closer to the side of the moving ship.  The difficulty reaching the  dangling rope ladder while trying, at the same time, to a keep grasp on  the tow rope with one hand …  switching to and climbing up the single knotted rope on the convex  side of the ship seems an impossible task.

Not many see the point. It is so much easier resting in the life preserver and letting the ship do the work.  The saved people being pulled in the preservers don’t realize the value and eternal impact of fellowshipping in the body of saved people on board the kingdom ship.  There is actually a grace culture operating on board unseen by those in the water. 
Welcome signs and encouragements abound like billboards on the sides of the ship, announcements offering showers, food and comfort but you had to choose to come onboard or  you can just hang on for the ride ‘till the ship docks in port.

Once the people in the preservers arrive at port they are going to be processed,  giving an account for their time in the water rather than taking advantage of all the benefits paid for by the death of God’s Son. 

It is one thing to have a grace connection but quite another to understand God’s culture of grace.  We can’t learn our spiritual culture while we stay in the water.  The only way to get out of the water is to “Drill Down”, i.e., get to know the Captain of our salvation, recognize His voice and open our heart to His word, Revelation 3:20.  We are urged to engage His life and use Him to put to death what is natural in our self. But it is much easier staying in the water waiting for our permanent port of call.  

It is true, grace is God’s unmerited favor to undeserving mankind but when we “Drill Down” grace, we find it is  a relationship. Grace is a relationship, unmerited, yes, but our sovereign Lord God has lifted it up to relationship status!

Grace is one of the most frequently used words in the Christian community.  Most people understand  Webster’s 11 definitions in my College 4th edition.   In fact, it is likely you will find Webster’s theological definition in you local Sunday Class, “the unmerited love and favor of God toward mankind”.  This comes close to a definition I learned in Doctrine 51 at defunct San Francisco Baptist College many years ago. “The unmerited favor of God toward man” is a definition you will hear from  today’s seminary graduates. 

Grace is the operating culture governed by our sovereign God between His Body and other created beings. It is an unseen reality acting upon life in the believer according to God’s purpose sourced in eternal, righteous holiness.  

Grace flows from God independent of human influence as an expression of αγάπη love but … it is also a function of faith (a human influence)!  Yes, faith is a gift and a response to grace  but …  God’s mercy grants participation in grace through human will after new birth. We become, by His mercy, an exalting factor of Himself placing us in His grace process.

Our participation in God’s glory through His created life in us vaults Himself to unreachable heights.  He exalts Himself  beyond what life is!

Jazz singer Abbey Lincoln sings “Love Walked right in and drove the shadows away”.  This is the kind of connection our carnal self yearns to make.  “One magic moment and my heart seemed to know that love said hello, though not a word was spoken”.  A human love connection is the measure of our carnal expectation. It is our natural romantic hope. We are frail, vulnerable and constantly looking for one connection that will fill our longing.  This natural desire and hope is indeed part of the natural self we bring into our life in Christ.  It remains part of our “want to” after we become born again in Christ.  It is not sin but it can turn into sin as it continually wars on us because we have been created new in Christ. 

The grace connection God provides is outside the scope of human radar. It can easily be trumped when spiritually starved while competing natural interests are fed by human desires.

Man by nature is self reliant and to go outside of what is “reasonable” appears to be avoiding responsibility. It is a step lower than being on the government dole, although it is more acceptable today than a few years ago.  Mankind wants to be in control and manage his connections. 

Submission to God is the antithesis of being in control.  “God made me with the ability to do it myself and that is what I want to do.”  It often takes a long time to get our “want to” fixed.   A crises or catastrophe may shake us out of our selfness.  But even then, it may take a long time for a man to honestly face self deception, arrogance and sin. It becomes more apparent as we age but we also become hardened with time and change is much more difficult.

While thousands of men and women are processing the depths of their own souls against the constant tick of God’s clock, God has already provided an out for man’s ultimate judgment and death.  God has reconciled man to Himself as He patiently waits for reality to become visible across the big screen in man’s own heart. 

If Jesus, the second Adam, had not left His rightful place beside the Father, clothed Himself in man’s human flesh, lived within the polluted contamination of sin without sin, we would not have access to a grace connection.  Jesus, the second Adam, handled Satan’s temptation flawlessly, making possible resurrection power available to us within grace. 

There is a way which seems right to men. It is the reasonable, the tangible and logical approach.  God’s way is totally different, it is higher, wiser and holy, a righteous way.  God did not spare His own Son but gave Him up so that we would have access to His Holy Self. Jesus said it best, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”, John 14:6.

There are hundreds, even thousands of connections men can make and enjoy within God’s born again life which are not of faith.  We need to make decisions upon the expectation of God’s promises if we want to live by faith.  But faith is a challenge to our “want to” and a difficult barrier to penetrate even with God’s grace.

Just as we are not able to reach God on our own, we are not able to live the Christian life on our own. It takes the resurrection power of Jesus Himself for us to be able to live the life He lived.  A grace connection is required, yes, but faith is required to move us from a grace connection to God’s culture of grace.  It is only by grace we are saved and it is only by grace we can live His life while in this flesh. It is a relationship of grace and faith.

Exercise your grace connection in Christ and test God’s relationship with you.  Exploit the culture of Jesus Christ and possess the mind of Christ.  Change your  grace connection into the full  culture of  God’s grace.  Be who you are in Christ, take possession of your land and increase your boundaries.  It is the only way to know the riches in Christ available to you because Jesus became the Son of Man.  He knew you before you were born. Now is the time for you to know Him who gave His life for you … before you see Him face to face. Your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!  Find out what that means before you meet your savior face to face, not after!!

You are saved by grace alone but the power of Jesus’ life in your life requires your faith.  

In Christ every believer inhales grace with every breath he breaths. Try exhaling faith.

Vic Moran

Body Life

We finished our three part discussion on being In Christ with “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.”, John 17:17. We suggested “Drilling Down” with a friend 2Corinthians 5:17 and Galatians 2:20. This is what Body Life is all about. This is what we are called to do, 1 John 1:3. 

Being created  new  in Jesus Christ provides access to divine realities and a whole new life style.  Values and priorities erode and get upended.  Our big picture becomes cracked and pieces start falling out. Our relationships, our friends and the way we choose to spend time undergoes major overhaul.  We begin to see ourselves from God’s point of view.

How this change is handled varies greatly from individual to individual. Some believers transition smoothly, others go through crises experiences. Others, like me, don’t get it ‘til we turn grey … even though we have been “in Christ” since childhood. A key factor in our transition within God’s spiritual kingdom is fellowship within the “Body of Christ.”

In Christ (3 of 3): Be Yourself

This is part three of our In Christ trilogy. We talked about what it means to really know our self, with an eternal perspective.  Our knowing is a grace flowing out of God’s own heart of agape love.  He shares Himself with profusion so very deep and wide causing us to do the same.

In part 2 we moved  from seeing things from a human point of view to one no longer of the flesh, rather, seeing things from God’s eternal point of view.  We are created new by the hand of God with spiritual capacities requiring discipline and training.  The writer to the Hebrews put it this way, “powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil”, Hebrews 5:14b. We are to claim possession of what God has provided. We are to exercise His life in our experience by continually accepting His truth and growing in it.

Now we come to the final part of this discussion, our participation.  God has redeemed us, reconciled us to Himself, now, we reconcile ourselves to Him in our daily circumstances.  God’s resurrection power is a grace drawing us into participating with God’s holy work into all our polluted places.

In Christ (2 of 3): Accept Yourself

We introduced the idea of “knowing our self” in the context of agape love in our last discussion. Any absolute knowledge can only come from God who made us in the first place.  The totality of self flows out of the  creative mind of God and  we have the mind of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:16c.

This is a great setup to talk about having the will to believe what we know. It is one thing to accept something as true, it is quite another to make it a habit in our behavior.  It is what we used to call a credibility gap,  mentally agreeing to something without our passionate embrace.  We are quite willing to agree as long as there is spin room, that is, room to maneuver out of a conflict.  This is how presidential approval ratings drop from the 50s to the 30s or 20s. 

In Christ (1 of 3): Know Yourself

Do you know anybody who really knows themselves? We know ourselves a little better every few years.  But each time we master a thing, or achieve a new position, something new pops up and we start the climb all over again. Perhaps, when you are over 70 it is more easily observed.  You know, when we are like some of those old people who don’t take off their shoes for airport security.

In Christ

Several men have influenced my spiritual understanding. The first was Ray Stedman. Pastor at Peninsula Bible Church, my first pastor out of high school. This is the same Ray Stedman who wrote Body Life, Authentic Christianity and numerous other publications.
Many years later, post eight years of college and three years in the US Army Security Agency, I was privileged to teach a very large Sunday School class at Grace Community Church in Tempe, Arizona.  Bob Wade attended this class and introduced me to The Sermon on the Mount by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.  Two other members and I met every Saturday morning for two years before we finished this Lloyd-Jones classic. 

Salted with Fire - “For everyone will be salted with fire”. - Mark 9:49 - Part 3 of 3, Love

In some ways this verse sums up what it means to Drill Down. God is the fire, refining our salted offerings intended for His consumption. 
Drilling Down exposes our temporal, earthly soul to eternality a n d   submits our body to the probing Holy Spirit surfacing soiled habits.  This is sin residue not yet redeemed and a grace offering we make as our covenant of salt/grace. Putting to death sin in our body is one of our primary callings in Christ.  As the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ, we  have the opportunity to put sin upon our personal alter of sacrifice. The vapors rising from this sacrifice are a sweet fragrance glorifying God while purifying our own soul.

Salted with Fire - "For everyone will be salted with fire". - Mark 9:49 - Part 2 of 3, Salt

God’s prophet, Ahijah, found Jeroboam in open country. Jeroboam was going to rule over 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel because of  Solomon’s idolatry.  Solomon heard of it and Jeroboam fled to Egypt in fear of his life.
Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, went to the ten northern tribes after  king Solomon’s death to establish an understanding.  The northern tribes wanted tax relief but Rehoboam decided to increase their financial burden.

Salted with Fire - "For everyone will be salted with fire". - Mark 9:49 - Part 1 of 3, Fire

Have you sat in front of a fireplace drinking in the wonder of dancing flames? Have you noticed the gradient colors of white and orange throbbing to be unleashed? How they send emissary sparks into new places while consuming sticks and logs? Fire changes matter from one form into another leaving evidence of what was and never will be. 
“For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.” –Deuteronomy 4:24.  God paints for Moses a picture of fire and it is what Moses reminds the people in the wilderness.

Faith is PROOF - FIRE - Part 3 of 3, Ai

Faith is walking around the walls of Jericho everyday for a week knowing the battle is already won.  Faith is walking on the day of rest seven times.  Faith is rescuing Rahab and her family because God saved her.  Faith is walking in what is, before it happens. 

Last week we read examples of faith from Hebrews 11 and saw both Rahab and the Walls of Jericho mentioned. The Israelites knew Jericho was theirs but they didn’t know the walls would fall flat out!  They knew Rahab was secure but they didn’t know she would be the great-great-grandmother of King David. Faith is making visible what is unseen.