
Our Covenant God

Last week we saw God both willing and able to do abundantly above what we think or ask.  This Corinthians passage continues to affirm God’s sufficiency to perform His purpose with an added responsibility. Our God of grace has freely given much but He has also made us competent ministers.  Our grace also carries with it responsibility.

Ministers either graduate from seminary or are assigned by the State Department.  For each of us to be ministers may be a stretch and a scary thought. This takes God’s sufficiency to another level. God’s provision in your life and mine is really where the action is taking place.  Ministering makes effective the grace given to us.  This passage tells us that we are competent to do as well as to be. 

The trick is in both content and faith.  “Our Covenant God” has provisioned us with both.  Content is more than words on a printed page or being able to explain the gospel message.  The content must first have passed through our personal soul with the power of revelation imparting knowledge of God’s living presence.  Holy Spirit’s presence in us imparts both understanding and faith with our participation.