Faith is Proof

Faith is PROOF - FIRE - Part 3 of 3, Ai

Faith is walking around the walls of Jericho everyday for a week knowing the battle is already won.  Faith is walking on the day of rest seven times.  Faith is rescuing Rahab and her family because God saved her.  Faith is walking in what is, before it happens. 

Last week we read examples of faith from Hebrews 11 and saw both Rahab and the Walls of Jericho mentioned. The Israelites knew Jericho was theirs but they didn’t know the walls would fall flat out!  They knew Rahab was secure but they didn’t know she would be the great-great-grandmother of King David. Faith is making visible what is unseen.  

Faith is PROOF - The Walls Came Tumbling Down - Part 2 of 3, Jericho

DRILLING DOWN: Allowing God’s word to percolate within us. 

Percolation does not happen by itself. I grind coffee nearly every morning. I put freshly ground beans into a screen basket and place it inside the coffee maker. Then I add about 6 cups of water, close the top and turn on the heat with an “ON” switch.  The hot water begins to travel to the top of the basket and filter down through the ground up beans flavoring the water as it fills the glass container. 

Faith is PROOF - Part 1 of 3, The Jordan

We have been talking about Drilling Down in God’s word. Drilling Down actually helps us see our self more clearly as well as our creator’s perspective on His work.

Our physical ability to understand, however, is limited by our natural nature. We are created within the realm of natural things like universes and subatomic matter while God is “super” natural. He is a Spirit, not confined to the limits of our boundaries. As creator, He is both inside and outside the realm of His creation. Our capacity to enter into His realm is only by His permission and authority.