Accept Yourself

In Christ (2 of 3): Accept Yourself

We introduced the idea of “knowing our self” in the context of agape love in our last discussion. Any absolute knowledge can only come from God who made us in the first place.  The totality of self flows out of the  creative mind of God and  we have the mind of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:16c.

This is a great setup to talk about having the will to believe what we know. It is one thing to accept something as true, it is quite another to make it a habit in our behavior.  It is what we used to call a credibility gap,  mentally agreeing to something without our passionate embrace.  We are quite willing to agree as long as there is spin room, that is, room to maneuver out of a conflict.  This is how presidential approval ratings drop from the 50s to the 30s or 20s.