“As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels (messengers) of the seven churches, and the lampstands are the seven churches.”
The letters to the seven churches are written by Jesus Himself, by the hand of John. John is sitting in Jesus’ heavenly office taking dictation! These are personal notes Jesus wants John to deliver to seven local churches whom John knows personally. All of these churches have their own unique character representing issues common to all bodies of church believers. These are bodies of believers living during the reign of grace prior to the rapture, which is where we are today!
This section of Revelation is the complete section covering the “things that are.” Jesus tells John to write the things he has (1) seen, the things that (2) are and the things (3) to take place after this. Chapters two and three of Revelation include all the content of the “things that are.” This is the period of the church. These two chapters are historically from the time of Jesus’ death, resurrection and the day of Pentecost as given in Acts 2, until the “lampstands” are removed from earth by the rapture.
Many commentaries review and interpret this period historically or geographically. Although this approach is interesting and profitable, we are primarily concerned about the unveiling of Jesus as a person into our own personal soul. We are anxious, not only to know Him, but in the process make ourselves vulnerable to His truth within us. We want to consume His holy truth so that we can be whom we are called to be! We want to be complete in Him!
As we review these seven letters to the churches, we will focus on lampstand strengths and weaknesses as lessons for our own personal grace relationship in a risen Lord. We see in each of these letters this same challenge by Jesus Himself. Although each letter is written to the church group, in each letter we see this same individual challenge: “He who hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Our prayer is that we walk in faith growing our grace and personal knowledge in Him.
As we proceed on our journey into these letters, we are borrowing from John F. Walvoord’s description of the church’s character.
Ephesus - the Orthodox, but Lost-love Church
Smyrna - the Suffering Church
Pergamum – the Compromising Church
Thyatira – the Tolerant, Permissive Church
Sardis – the Dead Church
Philadelphia – the Faithful Church
Laodicea – the Lukewarm, Useless Church
-John F. Walvoord
Our God is a holy God and should be much feared. These seven letters to the churches are a preamble to the “cup of God’s wrath.” Judgement is about to poured out upon earth and its people. The churches, us, need to prepare to meet our maker because we will see Him before this happens. If the tribulation judgment is coming soon, then we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air sooner than soon!
Revelation is the unveiling of Christ Jesus, both man and holy God. We need to see a richer picture of our Savior and how much He hates sin which is the agent separating us from Him. We need to understand the Lamb as our Savior, yes, but it includes the “wrath of the Lamb” who is also the Lion to reign on earth as the King of Righteousness and Truth!
There is a hard side to love! Man chooses to see in the Bible the forgiving side of God. Getting to know God, personally, we find obedience is a serious issue. We are forgiven, but God’s grace to us includes refining us in the fire of righteousness so that we may purify the dross and sin laying in the debris of our souls. The life of a true believer, one who is committed to know God within their deep self, experiences very heavy discipline. It is a blessed life, but it is not the easy life man mistakenly assumes. Rather, it is the most difficult to live on the human level because it does not accept man’s morality, only the pure righteousness of Jesus Himself. It becomes the most blessed and joyful life available to created man. It is a paradox in action, a contradiction in terms, it is a genuine oxymoron! The outcome is awesome, seeing reality in the terms of our eternal righteous God!
This is what the letters to the seven churches are about. They applaud the righteous behavior of God … in our humanity while provoking decisions and leanings not in concert with God’s purity.
God’s people need to observe and consider the context of our believing heart and the behavior of our heart’s worship. Jesus has called us out of a sin culture providing THE WAY to live God-like within this sin dominated world. Our present culture is controlled by a veiled Satan appearing as an angel of light. These letters are written in the context of God’s gold, silver and precious stones instructing us to be whom God originally created us to be!
The contradiction in the Christian’s life comes from not understanding the nature of sin and not understanding the essence of being a new creation in Christ Jesus. This contradiction actually disappears when our heart and mind begin to understand our new identity in Christ Jesus. This is only when we begin to see with Spiritual eyes and hear with our Spiritual ears. Only when we are hearing Spiritually do we begin to understand what our new birth in Jesus provides. Each letter to the seven churches closes with same personal challenge: “He who hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
We initially try to understand spiritual things with our natural heart and mind rather than learning to discern truth and holiness with the mind of Christ. This is another way to understand Faith! As we come to these seven letters, we need to come with our Spiritual ears. These are the only ears able to hear the Spiritual voice of our Lord.
This is illustrated when Jesus was on earth teaching His disciples. Jesus spoke in parables so the Pharisee’s would not be privy to the Truth Jesus was teaching His disciples. Only those “in Christ Jesus” are instructed in the holiness of God’s Truth. It is only His body of believers that are called to know the truth that will set man free from the domination of sin. A non-believer is equipped by the Holy Spirit to hear Spiritually when the beckoning call comes into a soul needing salvation. Once we have been sealed into a new Spiritual creation, we are born into God’s heavenly Kingdom to learn spiritually how to hear and see the things of God!
The removal of the lampstands, you and I, closes the age of grace; God’s relationship with man on earth resumes through His chosen people, Israel! The relationship of God with man through Israel includes the worship center in Jerusalem, sacrifices and keeping the righteous Law of God on earth!
God’s Old Testament covenant with Israel is still very much alive! The tribulation period, the physical return and reign of Jesus Christ on earth, will be the seal on this viable promise of God to Israel. “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.”
“In that day the Lord will extend His hand yet a second time to recover the remnant that remains of His people, from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the coastlands of the sea.” - Isaiah 11:11.
These are tribulation saints of both Jews and gentiles who once again will occupy the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem for both sacrifices and worship. But you and I already have a tabernacle for worship during this age of grace. Our body is the dwelling place for God’s own Holy Spirit. Our sacrifices have been already taken care of by death and resurrection of Jesus’ own blood.
These letters to the seven churches speak to issues separating our fellowship and growth in grace. These Spiritual issues are written to us because we have spiritual ears to hear what the Spirit of our Lord is saying to the Lampstands. We are still here on earth burning the oil of the Holy Spirit who now dwells within us. We have been created new Spiritually in Christ Jesus so that it is now Jesus Himself working within us. If we will listen Spiritually, He will work in us so that we consume grace and move from spiritual children into mature believers of faith.
“So faith comes from hearing, and haring through the word of Christ.”