Life in Jesus’ Name PART V: Light

 This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.  If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. but if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.  If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  - 1John 1:5-9.

This may seem like a new subject. We were talking about being members of the Body of Christ with Jesus as our Head, how is “Light” a follow up?

Well, what we really have beentalking about is our setting in the Body and the Head? We are dealing with the “practice of truth” and locking down our relationships in Christ Jesus.  We are talking about Jesus entering into our hearts having fellowship with us so we might understand our oneness in both God and each other. Since  the above scripture describes God as Light, we should include a look since it is a conditionoffellowship in Christ Jesus. We have, individually and together,grace in Christ since we are “standing” in grace.In other words, we are talking about walking in the light as He is in the light having fellowship so thatHis blood continuously is cleansing. You could make the argument, we were talking about light all along.JLight is part of grace.

When I was a young boy I learned light was the visible portion of radiation from electromagnetic waves. At thattime, it was thought matter was separate from light waves.  Now we understand light waves contain packets of matter that are emitted or absorbed.  In fact, we are now moving toward quantum computing and talking about “entanglement.”

Entanglement is a relationship between particles separated without any connection whatsoever, butwhich respond instantaneously in correspondence to each other regardless of their distance apart. For example, if you turn a particle 90 degrees to the right, an “entangled”particle, located perhaps in the next universe, will turn 90 degrees to the left at the same moment in time.  In other words, they are not connected but respond as though they are … and sitting next to each other. They reactmuch faster than the speed of light, instantaneously!How cool is that!

How many things travel faster than light? Or think of it another way, how many things are so large and invisible that an incident happening light years distant is instantaneously known at both placesbecause they are a part of a single wholeness?Bring anything to mind? How about the body of Christ and it’srelationship to Jesus, its Head. You could say we are “entangled” with Jesus. Our world is still discoveringmore and more little bitsabout who God is and how He made “our”universe(s)while at the same time denying His existence. When we are talking about God, it is quantum entanglement and so much more… but Light at God’s level is unapproachable.

If we were to devise a term to describe what takes place in our personal new creation, in Spiritual birth, we haveto communicate outside this physical realm of quantum entanglement. We are talking about “birth” of life itself. We are talking about the resurrection power of Jesus and miracles like “Lazarus, come forth!”We are talking about the breathe of God. We need to realize who God is!  God is Light!Not the visible color spectrum our eyes are designed to capture.  No, we are reaching into  theessence of life itself, into God’s kingdom accessible by us because we are “entangled” in Christ Jesus, born again!Paul instructs us that we have the mind of Christ.We have this same instruction in Philippians but here,in the Greek,it is an imperative command to be Christ minded. When we are born again the rock is alive, water is living and faith moves mountains.

Our definition of light is based upon what we understand. Entanglement exposes our lack of knowledge and the infinitude of our designer God who gives Life.  We are chosen by Him, mere worms,and He brings us into His realm of infinite reality, into Himself!Light, in the scripture, speaks to our growing understanding of Life in Jesus name. This is why Jesususes the term “sons of light” describing people whoare created new in Christ Jesus.  The natural person does not have acapacity to understand the things of the Spirit,itsa feature of being born again or created in Christ Jesus.

The term scripture uses to describe God’s poweras it fashions our personal life is grace.  Grace providessalvation enabling us to be Spiritual whilewe wearbodies of fleshly clay.  Grace is God’s code word forministering to us, whatever our need, bringing us into oneness with Himself through Jesus, purifying us for Himself, a personal possession, making us a peoplezealousto produce righteousness and light. Grace is an “entanglement” word. In short, grace brings us into Life!

Spiritually speaking, light is manifesting realityoutside ofour temporal, corporeal experience.  We and our world are created by God who is a Spiritual Person.  Theage of grace is this period when created persons are born into being one with God, becoming spiritually mature by sharing an eternal fellowship through Jesus. This isn’t true for the era of John the Baptist or for those who will be in the new heaven and new earth. The Church is the bride of Christ. There is only one bride and one wedding. It is an eternal event taking place soon! We areobjects of God’s love and He provides us with Himself.  We will have a Bride’s role in God’s kingdom.

Our physical world is simply a mirror or likeness of spiritual things.  Light ina “God form is unapproachable for creatures of clay like us.Remember the stories of both Elijah and Moses.They hadencounters with the personof God but did not see Him.

Entanglement is but an element of God’s work and design. I suspect we don’t know what the relationship is between entanglement and light, but regardless, we are called to walk in light, walking in the truth of who God is. Grace enables us to do what we can’t!Our part is to cultivate desire, to know God and understand His heart.  This is what God is looking for in us so that He can reveal in us His glory, allowing us to glorify Him more and more, one degree of glory to another.

Light that shines from a lamp or light bulb is one thing but what we are talking about is literally out of this world. For our context or setting,consider God’s initial creation, “Let there be light.”  Paul put it this way to the Corinthians: “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”This is labeled a treasure in the next verse. We will talk about it next GN!

But for now lets take away this; we are elect of God, to be His Bride!  Jesus answering Judas (not Iscariot) said:“If any one loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and will come to him and make our home with him.”Earlier in this same passage Jesus says: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that were I am you may be also.”Ponder what Jesus is saying!

Walking in the light, is about loving our Lord Jesus, itsabout absorbing His mind and being who He intends for us to be, His Bride!