“'He that believeth shall not make haste,’ Isa. 28:16. This is a rule which it is both our wisdom and welfare to heed in all the varied details of our lives - never more needed by God’s people than in this mad age of speed and hurry. Most profitably may we apply it to our reading and study of God’s word. It is no so much the amount of time we spin upon the scriptures, as the measure in which we prayerfully meditate upon that which is immediately before, that so largely determines the degree of benefit the soul receive. By passing too quickly from one verse to another, by failing to picture vividly before our minds the details before us, and by not taking pains to discover the practical lessons which may be drawn from historical events, we are greatly the losers. It is by putting ourselves in the position of the one we are reading about and thinking what we most likely have done in such circumstances, that we receive the most help.” Elijah, p. 51.
Pink does a great job of telling the story of Elijah into our personal circumstances. Reading it once a year is a good reminder of fundamental truths our minds need for refreshing. I know some of you have already read this little paperback. If not, give it a try for your soul’s sake!