In Chandler, AZ sitting at daughter Kristin’s kitchen table feeling a little remiss for not turning out a GN for 01/11/15.
To relieve my guilt I thought I would just share a current thought.
The internal probing of our eternal soul is, for most of us, a life time journey. On the surface this appears to be oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. Anything “internal” must by definition have external boundaries and not limitlessly eternal. Yet, this is the nature of contradictions that is reality for the person who is in Christ.
It is within the "limitless boundaries” of the fullness of God. A friend reminded me at Starbucks this week that we are physically born, finite with a beginning which our eternal Father is not. We are, therefore, not eternal … but the scripture says we are … in Christ. John tells us in his first letter that as Christ Jesus now is, so are we in this world.
I had a gentleman at “In-N-Out” (burgers) ask me this week what I mean by “in Christ”. How can we explain the reality of contradiction true believers experience by the very presence of God ministering to the soul of man, no let me change that, ministering in the soul of people who are by faith learning the “internal” boundaries of something that has become eternal and without boundaries.
This is how we must measure the fullness of God because it is our limitless God who reduces Himself to fill our size of Christ’s life continuing to grow in us as long as we have natural, finite bodies. What happens when our body dies and we enter His eternal presence? Do we take the size of the soul we have nurtured? There are questions not given us to know the answers. it is enough that we righteous in Him and He, the author of all, has pledged His love to us because we believe in Him. How can we ask for anything more!
The small neighborhood Presbyterian Church I attended this morning had the doxology listed in the program but they omitted it in the service. I was disappointed:
“Praise God from whom all blessing flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.