Knowing vs. Loving

We have been talking about Drilling Down in God’s word. Drilling Down  actually helps us  see our self more clearly as well as our creator’s perspective on His work.
Our physical ability to understand, however, is limited by our natural nature. We are created within the realm of natural things like universes and subatomic matter while God is “super” natural. He is a  Spirit, not confined to the limits of our boundaries.  As creator, He is both inside and outside the realm of His creation.  Our capacity to enter into His realm is only by His permission and authority.
God has chosen to make known the glory of Christ in believers.  We are born into God’s eternal realm by regeneration and exhorted to walk spiritually in this wanton world. We are called to live manifesting His glory until the day of Jesus Christ.
We are called to walk in a manner worthy  of the Lord, pleasing Him and bearing fruit while increasing in the knowledge of God. This was Paul’s prayer for the saints and faithful brothers in Colossae.  This is the will of God for you, me  and every believer who is in Christ.
Our churches typically emphasize knowing the scripture.  As important and essential this is, it is not the same thing as knowing Jesus Christ.  We can become expert in biblical history and knowledge without growing “in Christ”.  We can live in Christ while walking in worldly values.  Drilling Down exposes our hearts to our head knowledge and …  Drilling Down also exposes our mind to our heart’s love. When we open the door to our soul, both heart and mind listening to God’s voice, can hear how to walk in God’s Spirit.
I met Fran in Israel this past October. We shared the same buss and I noticed she frequently took advantage of an open seat to rest her 95 year old body.  I couldn’t satisfy her appetite for chocolate so I recently sent her a box of See’s.
Fran gave me permission to share her story. She was raised in a Bible believing home, knows Bible stories and childhood songs but confided not to understand what it means to have God’s peace in her heart.
I have noticed a gender bias regarding what it means to know God.  Ladies by design and construct naturally trend toward loving while guys are more comfortable in a measured relationship.  Ladies acquire knowledge through “loving” while guys, well, we all know about guys trying to maintain their in-charge-ness.
It is almost as though the male and female are only complete when they are joined together.  You could almost visualize it as though they were created that way!  J
Fran had the witness of God in her heart, she believed and is still believing but lacked the additional witness of God’s Holy Spirit through the knowledge of His word.  I gave Fran Rev. 3:20 to Drill down on.  Later, I gave her Phil 1:6 to Drill Down on. 
“This is what I need to do!” Fran confesses to me.
An honest loving heart will lead to knowledge and an honest open mind will lead to love.  God is love and His quiver is filled with arrows of truth.  It is a mistake to break into component parts God’s attributes.  He is the I AM that I AM! It is our frailty, our human nature, that forces us into component analysis.  This very process itself creates distortion to the great “I AM”. God is complete within Himself and we are in Him.  As He is, John tells us, so are we in this world.  We have been certified, in Christ, to bring all that He is into this physical experience of mortal life.
God is the creator Father, the redeemer Son and the Sealer Teacher and they are One Person.  We receive the benefit of all three in singularity when we Drill Down.  We are authorized to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. God provides the power, the blood, the light. We provide the will, the salt and faith through His grace.  Pray for faith.
Knowing and Loving are one.