My Eternal Prologue

Do you realize the entire Bible, all 66 books, is a prologue of your life.  Each person is a consequence of divine creation and the primary object of the biblical story.  It started before the foundation of the world and it is about lambs!  Check out these two passages:

BodyLife: Faith and Fruit. Part 1 of 2

his verse introduces the closing scenes of Jesus with His disciples on earth. The first closing scene begins with the “last supper” where Jesus is lounging with the remaining eleven disciples around the table.  Another closing scene is in the garden where mortal Peter cuts an ear off of a soldier. Jesus restores the man’s ear and continues to submit to our redemption and the cross. “Jesus was delivered up for our transgression and raised up for our sanctification.”

BodyLife: Faith and so much more!

This verse introduces the closing scenes of Jesus on earth with His disciples. It begins with the “last supper.” Jesus is sitting, in the painting, with His disciples before they had chairs. Actually, they lounged around the table, leaning into each other.  It is here Jesus speaks privately to Judas who leaves before the meal is finished.  After the meal,  Jesus washes the remaining disciple’s feet telling Peter he need not be washed again, only his feet!

BodyLife: Mere Mortals?

The life of Jesus on earth is about finished.  His disciples have been traveling with him for three years. They have witnessed miracle after miracle, healings, curses,  they saw Lazarus raised from the dead and experienced Peter not walking on the water.  Even the fig tree obeyed his command. Now it was all coming to an end … or so they feared. 

Grace Reigns: Righteousness and Sin (Life and Death)

This is our third GN in a trilogy.  We began with a drill down of Galatians 2:20 where a constant contrast between death and life is depicted, I have been crucified nevertheless I live. Christ Jesus, who is delivered from death by death, is also experienced by the born again  believer. Created in Jesus, a believer is a new person with a new identity. Our New Life is supernaturally birthed, literally, providing living roots within our risen Savior.

Look, Listen & Learn because Jesus is Alive!

This Old Testament passage carries New Testament doctrine!  Did you notice how the top is like a choral refrain in heaven  while the bottom is a response from earth?  There is a relationship connection!

The eye of our living Lord is upon us who have His living hope in our hearts. Our hope is because we have received His love poured into us so that our faith may be renewed in hope since we have now been joined, His Spirit to our spirit, and redeemed.

Grace Reigns because Jesus is Alive!

God’s grace flows to us and in us. This is most amazing!  Pondering our reality, what actually is going on in us is staggering! 

More staggering than a predictable  eclipse of the sun, orders of magnitude greater and unseen is… grace. It is not so much what the Creator has done, gazing at the sun’s halo;  it is what the Creator is now doing! Have you seen the Son’s halo?

The Three “L”s: 3b, Sanctification

We can’t be who God has made us unless we will our hearts to love Him. This is how we begin to penetrate who we really are. In Christ Jesus, we are a new supernatural identity.  As we begin to understand how glorious and complete we have been created in Christ Jesus, only as we cultivate height and depth, the width and the power of God’s marvelous grace, are we able to taste the glory of our Spiritual reality and what is yet beyond prepared for us. 

BodyLife: The Three “L”s. (#2a, Righteousness)

Our three “L”s form a nucleus of Spiritual identity.  They speak to the essential Life of Jesus Christ, God’s Love shared in us and the Holy Spirit’s Light to guide our glorification in Jesus producing His fruit. 

God is! He is the “I AM” and has bought us into His eternal family. This is our new family name and we need training. What He has begun He will continue to perform. 

Righteousness and sanctification and redemption sum up the wisdom God gives  because we are in His Son, Christ Jesus. This is declared for us in 1Cor. 1:30, above … and He is in us.

BodyLife: The Three “L”s. (#1a, Redemption)

Our three “L”s form a nucleus of Spiritual identity.  They speak to the essential Life of Jesus Christ, God’s Love shared in us and the Holy Spirit’s Light to guide our glorification in Jesus producing His fruit. 

Redemption makes possible God’s love in our hearts.  All we are and all we have is because God is love. We are his because He made us, we are His because He bought us and we are His because we responded to His grace giving ourselves back to him in faith He provides.  Paul put it this way, everything from Him, nothing from us.

BodyLife: The Three “L”s. (#3, Light)

Our three “L”s form a nucleus of Spiritual identity.  They speak to the essential Life of Jesus Christ, God’s Love shared in us and the Holy Spirit’s Light to guide our glorification in Jesus producing His fruit. 

In our last discussion of Christ’s Life in us, we described our created center in the knowledge of Jesus, receiving supernatural resources to grow God’s grace. Love, Life and Light are all part of our singular wholeness in Christ but each contributes qualitatively to our culture of Jesus’ grace in us. We want to now turn to  “Light” and see how God illumines our  natural soul and uses His word of truth.

BodyLife Series Outline

Please pray as we look to God in expectation thru teaching and impacting our local communities. 

We begin our  8 week “BodyLife” class at the local Wesleyan Church in Cambridge, MD. this Sunday, April 8, 2017.  This part 1 of 2 uses the current GN content but will be reformatted into a “Leaf” format.  Each “L” in GN is a leaf on our grafted branch into Christ.  There will be 6 leaves presented in each 8 week session. This is a work in process. We will make changes after this first 8 weeks to fine tune what it should look like going forward.  We are looking forward to a reproducible format.

BodyLife: The Three “L”s. (#2,Life)

LIFE is the second thread in our BodyLife trilogy of “L”s.  We are speaking, of course, of Jesus’ resurrected LIFE in us. This common term in the evangelical community has lost its cutting edge. The living Life of our resurrected Jesus is literal. Not a mystic concept or theological idea, Jesus  dwells in believers,  Colossians 1:27, 2Cor. 1:22, Romans 8:1cf.

This truth is absolute! Do we see Jesus in believers or do we hear them pleading for Jesus’ help? No wonder Christianity is viewed as mystic and off the wall!  How would you answer this? Valid or not?  

BodyLife: The Three “L”s

We spoke to the issue of BodyLife in our last GN. BodyLife is an organic reality flowing out of every believer. A new life has been created inside our body and joined to God’s own Spirit becoming our new identity.

Problem! We are so rooted in our fleshly body we end up walking in flesh while living in our new spirit/Spirit. God’s resurrection power is thereby unavailable except in putting to death sin in the body … Jesus already nailed it to His cross!  We need to nail it to His cross also, using His resurrection power. Jesus paved the way for us to get it done.

Righteousness and Sin

This is our third GN in a trilogy.  We began with a drill down of Galatians 2:20 where a constant contrast between death and life is depicted, I have been crucified nevertheless I live. Christ Jesus, who is delivered from death by death, is also experienced by the born again  believer. Created in Jesus, a believer is a new person with a new identity. Our New Life is supernaturally birthed, literally, providing living roots within our risen Savior. Our distinctiveness is a resurrected Jesus within us, inside our container of flesh. This is so amazing it is difficult to grasp!  It is a miracle … only by His grace!  His power is released into our old crucified self. It sounds cultish to a person without a supernatural Spiritual birth. Yes, it is supernatural, and just as mystic as is creation all around us. 

Grace Reigns: Our Identity

Its in the 60s outside.  On naked arms the sun is warm and bright. Great weather for spiritual eyes. What a  creation God made for the man Adam! God gave Adam dominion over a rich diverse system of life and landscape. God created it and then and gave it to man. Why?