There is a school of thought that once you are Christian, life is easy street. This is far from the truth on many levels. One of the immediate realities is that as you become the person you are designed to be, you may experience rejection and ridicule from those whom you have known for years. The Bible is clear that not everyone will see the truth. Some will have their eyes opened, while others will not.
If you are on the path to becoming the person you are designed to be, then people you have known for years will accept it, while others will have a very negative reaction. Living a life of faith and demonstrating that faith through your actions can be seen as wonderful for some of your peers, but may very well bring the scorn of your other peers. Just keep in mind, the alternative is worse.
I was reading to my son last night. The book was likening our days on Earth to a grain of sand, and God's days as all of the sand in the world. Our time on Earth is fleeting. So small is the time here on Earth that it will hardly register on our grand scale of eternity. As Christians, we need to be keeping the long view. We are not operating for today, we are operating for eternity. Your peers may violently argue that there is nothing beyond this world. That is their belief and, frankly, their religion. Armed with the truth, you and I know that there is an eternity that is the only thing to consider.
Rejection by old friends and peers is painful and yet even more small than our overall time here on Earth. If our 60-80 years on Earth is tiny compared to eternity, the 6-8 days of sting from rejection by old friends is even that much more insignificant You want to care, and you should want to help those old friends, but with an eternal view, you should also not let that momentary rejection pull you away from your primary focus and goal.
Being Christian, living a Christian life, believing in the eternal, and becoming the person you are designed to be; these are all difficult endeavors that will bring ridicule. Relying on God as your source of strength, and keeping an eternal view are your main tools. It won't be easy, but the alternative is far worse!