Being the person that we are designed to become is not easy. Our human instincts pull us toward temptation. The world doesn't exactly help either! We wander down paths that are not rewarding, and paths that are downright damaging. Often we have to trudge back to the right path as there is no positive outcome from our current path.
We are fortunate to have a God that cares about us and is right by our side. Too often, we treat God as a reference guide, and not like the partner that he is. Every once in a while we will pray to God, listen to Christian music, or read the Bible seeking some reference type of advice. Imagine wandering through the woods, making mistake after mistake, getting lost over and over, and only once in a while turning to the expert next to you for help.
As we wander through life, we are human and therefore will make mistake after mistake. The frequency and impact of these mistakes is largely a result of how we treat our relationship with God. All through our life, God is right by our side, all around us in fact. Think back to your last set of mistakes ... God was right there next to you. Think about today's challenges ... God is next to you even as you read this.
Being the person you are designed to become is impossible through our own self actions. No matter how much we don't want to ask for directions, we need those direction if we want to not remain lost on our journey. If you could visibly see God by your side, you would certainly engage him all day, every day. And yet although we cannot visibly see him, our relationship with God should be one of constant engagement.
I'm not referring to constant murmuring of general prayers, but a real and live interaction with God about the specific topics that are on your mind. He is real and he is right next to you, waiting to be engaged. As we understand more about the human to God relationship, we understand that we have much to be thankful for, we have much need for direction, and we have a joy and peace that comes from a closeness with the Creator.
God is always there, he doesn't come and go. This is not about earning more or less of God's presence. As a Christian, he is there 100%. This is about how much we allow God into our lives. You have the most wonderful and generous partner by your side, all day, every day. Life is better, and it is possible to grow as a person when you fully engage God as an active part of your life.