self awareness

Don't Just Blame TV

Certainly there are a lot of challenging things that bombard our brains and souls each day.  We are told we are too fat, too thin, too rich, too poor, not cool, too cool, etc.  Virtually every form of media tells us that we are inadequate in some way.  Whether it is TV, movies, or the internet, we are being offered chances to obtain happiness in the form of weight loss, wealth, possessions, or friends.  No wonder there is so much anxiety and frustration in the world.

However, this anxiety and frustration not only plagues people that are non-Christian, it plagues Christians as well.  So, how do we reconcile this?  The reality is that as humans, we are innately vulnerable to chasing the wrong things down the wrong paths.  We are almost supremely centered on ourselves and our desires, rather than on the needs of others.  The siren songs from TV, movies, and the internet are so appealing not because they are great, but because of our universal human nature.

Is Good Enough, Actually Good Enough?

I was reading a book on the role of the Christian Husband and one of the things that struck me was this concept that we are "good enough" or that life is "good enough."  Many of us go through life and things are "just fine."  We have good enough jobs, good enough relationships, good enough kids, good enough friendships, and we feel good enough on the inside.  Nothing is perfect, but nothing is really awful ... things are simply "good enough".

Television is a big driver of the "good enough" mentality.  You see a guy cheat on his wife on TV and you think, "well I'm not that guy."  You see a person rob a bank on TV and you think, "well I'm not that guy either."  The fictional television people that we compare ourselves against are generally just enough of a mess for us to think, "hey, I'm pretty good."

What is Wrong with All of Us?

Sometimes it is hard not to just look around and wonder, "what is wrong with all of us?"  Try not to say it out loud!  As humans, we are deeply flawed.  At any point in time you might be facing people who are talking bad about you, working schemes against you, trying to take advantage of you, or much worse.  And, if we take an honest look in the mirror, we probably have a list of things that ... shall I say ... we would prefer were not our natural tendencies towards others.  On this later point, forget any other moral standard, if we really judged ourselves on the standards we set for others, we would fall woefully short.  But that is a whole other blog entry for another day.